Heat, heat, heat, that has been the general theme for Kyng is 2022. With lots of hype rising for the singer/songwriter from Philadelphia, Kyng has stepped up to the plate. His latest release Rivers Deep is just one of the many singles that Kyng has released in 2022. He desire to create and push the boundaries of the industry has not gone unnoticed. Kyng had a lot to say about the new release and all the participants involved.
What was the inspiration behind “Rivers Deep”? “I began writing Rivers Deep after realizing that there were people and things I was deeply attached to that kept me consumed and overall forgetting that I had the power and ability to leave This song is for anyone who might find themselves “Too far gone”. It first begins with acknowledging the situation at hand. Then you tend to hold yourself a little more accountable for getting out of the trance of clinging to “toxic love”. Rivers Deep is symbolic to having faith in someone and believing they’ll change, but soon realizing, holding on could be the death of you mentally, physically, emotionally and in the grand scheme of life. “
What message is the song conveying? Rivers Deep is essentially a cry for help to whomever has you drowning in the depths of their toxic love, hoping they’ll save you before its too late.

Where were you in your life that inspired you for this? “Honestly, when I wrote this song, I wasn’t actively going through this, but it was happening all around me. So I felt compelled to be a voice for those who couldn’t conjure up the words to say “I know I’m hurting myself, but you’re hurting me more because I gave you my all and you’ve given me nothing, but still I believe in us”. Love, most times is an unfortunate reality, at least for me so far. I haven’t had much luck with love yet. Im sure its mainly because I haven’t reached the point of fully loving my self and being completely selfish and catering to my own needs before another. Many people go through, they just don’t speak on it. I’m grateful and honored to be able to put the way most of us feel when we’re in dark places, into songs! We’ve all been here! I just want people to know, you’ll get through, just don’t sink too far into it especially if the love isn’t reciprocated. “
What is next for Kyng? Honestly, I’m in the process of securing, what I call my “Billion Dollar Budget”. It’s what my music deserves. No, but seriously, just taking it day by day and remaining humble and grateful for the inspiration God has allowed me to be to others! I will continue releasing singles. I know one will catch on to the world in due time and then they all will catch on and I will tour at stadiums and arenas for the rest of my life and help to create generational wealth for my family and my team! They all are very humble beast! Expect nothing less than greatness from us!